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Naturally aid your rabbit with herbs and flowers known to promote heart health. Larger breeds specifically are known to run into heart conditions, our topper would be excellent for all buns but specifically ones who run into these issues.



Lavender, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Raspberry Leaves, Strawberry Leaves, and Dandelion Leaves.




Lavendar- Calming and relaxing. Helps with circulation issues, stress, and gas. Mild tranquilizer helping to reduce blood pressure.


Hibiscus- Helps support the immune system, high in natural Vitamin C, and rich in antioxidants. Improves heart and liver health while also having the ability to help fight cancer and bacteria. Helps reduce inflammation.


Jasmine- Enhances digestion, promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut and has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria and AMA toxins from the body, rich in antioxidants, promotes heart function while reducing the risk of heart ailments, and anxiety relief.


Raspberry Leaves- Helps with digestion, supports natural metabolism, and heart health. High in fibre, zinc, and manganese.


Strawberry Leaves- Rich in iron, cooling, and an antiseptic. Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, supports heart health, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, UTI's, high in vitamin C, and high in calcium. Helps digestive health nausea, and stomach cramps.


Dandelion Leaves- High in fibre, aids in digestion, and helps prevent osteoporosis. Liver tonic, anti-cancer agent, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Aids with blood purification, respiratory ailments, reduces inflammation, UTI's, and the milk flow of nursing moms along with supporting them after their litter. Effective against pneumonia, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infections. Well known for its curative powers.


Heart Health Support


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