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While pinworms are rare in rabbits kept indoors in a proper environment, it's still important to be aware. This brochure provides valuable information and steps to take when dealing with pinworms if they ever become a concern for your furry friend.


Pinworms can pose a challenge if left untreated. Our brochure offers detailed descriptions and visual aids to help you identify these parasites.


In the event that you encounter pinworms, it's essential to seek medital attention from your rabbit-savvy vet. Their expertise will guide you through the appropriate actions and medication(s) needed. 


While this brochure serves as a helpful resource, please remember to seek advice from a medical professional. Your vet will tailor the treatment specifically to your rabbit's unique needs.


By staying informed and proactive, you're better prepared to address any potential medical issues. Let's work together to ensure the well-being of your bunny and maintain a healthy, happy living environment. Our brochure is here to support you every step of the way!



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